- Kamren Zirger -

FEH Robot Project (Team Yoshi)

The Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors Robot Project was my main school project in spring semester of 2019. Working in a team of four, our job was to complete the course set up by the FEH staff. Provided with a budget of $160 and around two months time to move from planning to competition, our team built an autonomous robot and documented every step along the way. At the end of the project, there was a competition in which all of the robot groups in the class went head-to-head. Robots that completed all the course tasks in the least amount of time advanced to further rounds of the tournament. Our team was awarded 1st Place in Innovation, an award sponsored by P&G. In this project I worked with the FEH Proteus microcontroller, C++, and QT Creator. However, I've picked some other new skills up along the way. Using SolidWorks CAD, I designed the main clamp arm to be implemented into our robot. Furthermore, I worked with my team in the workshop to cut parts, solder, and wire components. Furthermore, this project has taught great methods for teamwork and project management.

Here is a video of one of our perfect runtrhoughs from the competition:

Here is a video showcasing an early testing stage of our robot:

Finally, here is a link to our online project portfolio and some additional pictures from the project: